Through interesting circumstances of my other work I had the honour of meeting the principle of the Ottery Youth Care and Education Centre a few months ago. My view is that TRE must be spread into the communities that will benefit from it the most, so I got the go ahead to run a pilot project in the school.
Christine Cornick and I have been running classes with the staff and management since Oct 2015, in November Jeremy de Tolly has joined our team for the work with the boys, aged 11-18 years old. The boys come from troubled backgrounds and have been sent to the Education and Care Centre by the High Court. They live and learn here – it’s Its been amazing to see how our sessions help them reset their nervous system and bodies, which is noticeable in their interactions with each other, sleep patterns and learning.
We are very happy for the opportunity to take TRE to communities such as Ottery where it can make such a profound impact on dedicated staff doing amazing work with SA’s youth.
Herewith the video testimony from the principal after his first TRE session.